How much is too much SM?

Social Media! What did you think I was talking about? Sickos. Sorry, I just needed a cheap way to get you to read. I promise not to use that trick too often.

I just added a Snapchat account today. This is on top of three Facebook pages (more on that fiasco in a moment), Twitter, Instagram and Periscope. And yet I still feel like I'm behind in this fast-moving world. 

Part of it is my job. No one knows exactly what television news looks like in the future, so we news folk are trying to stay relevant so we don't go the way of Sega. (Big Sonic fan back in the day). 

Part of it is just staying connected and trying to stay relevant as a human. Obvious statement ahead: technology is constantly changing. And I want to be on the same digital page as my son as he grows up. (Scatter-brained interjection: have you seen this Amy Schumer clip? #hilarious #loveher)


But here's the conundrum: is my baby seeing me or seeing my phone in front of my face. Mainstream media recently picked up this study. It claims 54% of kids think their parents check their devices too often. 32% of kids felt unimportant when their parents got distracted by devices. Don't know about you, but now I feel like a bad person. Here's an article on this study.

I'm not sure what the answer is. But I do know I'm often asking myself, are you in this moment or are you thinking about how it might play on social media? When I'm not sure, I put the phone down. 

As for all the Facebook pages, I'm not really sure what happened. I had my personal page, and then I got worried about my online profile because well I was in my 20s, and I had fun. Then I started a work page. Now that there is no chance any "dancing on the table" shots will appear on any page (I've become far too boring for that), I should probably merge them. Oh, and I hit my friend limit on my work page and was confused by the follower thing so I also started a Fan Page. I'm way too unimportant for such a large footprint. If anyone has a solution to my conundrum, I'm all ears. 

Until then, I'll keep meandering through my social media confusion. And make sure Jack says mama before he says hashtag.

(I can't miss this opportunity to promote. Follow me on Twitter: @griswoldkmtv, Periscope: @griswoldkmtv, Instagram: @griswoldtv, Snapchat: griswoldnews,

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