Taking control involves giving up control

Good lawd am I work in progress in this area. I never wanted to be a person to give up control. I got it. I can handle it. I’m that yes person who delivers.
Then I had kids.
They change life in every possible way you can imagine and then in even more ways you never could’ve conceived of.
Today I got my nails done. On a weekday! This never happens. Okay, it happened once and involved Emme watching a show on my phone the whole time.
By the way, I see those of you who think I’m just some spoiled woman complaining about when to squeeze in a luxury like having my nails done. I see that, I do. But being on TV everyday and gearing up to emcee two galas in the next two weeks, I see it as maintenance for my job. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I do.
We don’t have any family living in the same state. My mother-in-law has been in town this week helping out while our fabulous babysitter enjoys a deserved vacay. She suggested that she could take Jack to get his hair cut and Emme to gymnastics.
My mouth started saying no. I hadn’t even processed it and my mouth started saying no. Because in fact, I struggle to say no to doing any of the things for my family, my friends, my work.
But then I thought about it differently. My mother-in-law enjoys these memories, the kids enjoy these moments, it’s great for them to learn from other adults and she can handle it.
So I said yes. Yes, she can do it. No to doing it myself.
And I’m writing this while relaxing and getting a pedicure. I’m able to take a breath and reassess my day and my thinking. I know this also means more quality time with the kids on Saturday and feeling less rushed during it.
To take control of that peace I just needed to give up a little control. It’s something I should do more.

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