Today was a good, oh yeah, besides calling poison control

We were rocking the day! I made the kids some pancakes and my son didn't request five other breakfast items instead. My daughter only tried to climb on the table twice - huge accomplishment! And everyone got dressed reasonably quickly. I don't think I even broke a sweat during the process.

Yes, we were cruising through the day.

I watered some plants. We played in the park. We blowed bubbles in the front yard per my 1-year-old's request. The little one is communicating requests!

When my husband got home for lunch, I was in a good mood. I relayed our smooth morning, and then I remembered, I also called poison control.

As I was gathering up sand toys for the park, I returned into the garage to find the 1-year-old climber had found her way to some sunscreen. She had it open near her mouth, and I could see the white, thick lotion on her face near her mouth. She has this tendency to open bottles using her teeth. We're working on it. I flipped over the lotion to see it recommended I call poison control if ingested. So I did. They told me not to worry, call back if there was a problem and at worst case she might get a tummy ache.

I called poison control and it barely blipped on my day's radar.

It made me realize how flawed parenting is. Even good days come with the bad.

No parent is perfect. No day of parenting comes completely problem free. Like the sunscreen she was ready to drink, parenting is messy! Sometimes you'll feel like the messiness is everywhere and it's too thick to clean up. The residue will seem like a streaky reminder of your failings. But sometimes you'll just realize, it's another layer to life and no one claimed life is clean.

You've got this, mama.

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